3 Top Reasons You Will Love a Carpeted Home
Carpet manufacturers today are churning out the most incredible styles, textures and (we love this) environmentally friendly fibres today, which is why you should at least consider carpet if you are thinking of a floor make-over.
Some think a modern home needs modern flooring and that carpeting does not fall into this category today. You would be mistaken. Gone are the “good old days” of orange, brown or green carpeting throughout the house which never matched anything else in the room, or having to make “sensible” decisions about carpet colour. There is no better way to re-energise a room than with a beautiful carpet and you do not have to compromise on the style, flow and feel of your home. With expert guidance, your carpets will be the main attraction as you invite friends and guests into a home that has rediscovered the benefits and beauty of carpeted living spaces.
Of all the many reasons to love carpets, we are particularly impressed with the environmental strides manufacturers have made. Conscientious consumers vote with their feet today and simply will not put up with products which do not benefit the planet. Rest assured, carpet manufacturers – well, reputable ones – are firmly on the green bandwagon today, and we are proud to be associated with those who are.
Here are our 3 top reasons for loving carpet:
Comfort: No other flooring can provide the cosiness of carpet under foot. It is especially suitable for families with children as they can safely and comfortably sit, play and run about on the carpet, safely. Even little ones just finding their feet can take a tumble without injuring themselves, and it is also a safer option for elderly people. You won’t want to keep your socks on for a minute longer than you have to with the right carpet in your home.
Health: Carpeting acts as a passive air filter, trapping dust, pollen and other particles and removing them from the air you breathe in. This has proven very positive with asthma and allergy sufferers. Did you know the cushioned surface of carpeting is even said to be easier on the joints – good news for young and old!
Low noise: There is nothing more irritating than the sound of a television echoing upstairs when you are trying to rest or being downstairs and hearing every little movement the person makes upstairs. If this is your dilemma, chances are you do not live in a carpeted home. Carpets are wonderful noise reducers. We love the fact that they take the edge off those everyday household noises (kids, television, appliances, animals) to make the home a more peaceful place. This is a big selling point with our customers.
At Top Carpets & Floors, we stock a wide selection of leading carpet brands. Before you settle on a flooring type, let us take you on a magical carpet ride! Contact us today.
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