Berberpoint 920
The undisputed heavyweight champion, now with the inclusion of new bright exploding colours offers limitless combinations. Versatile, rugged and reliable, Belgotex Berber Point 920 still remains the NO.1 choice for architects.
Structured Needlepunch for commercial use.
View more Belgotex Carpets
*Available as Carpet Tiles & Wall to Wall
Broadloom Size – 4.2m – R265.00
Plain Bac Carpet Tile Size – 50cm x 50cm tiles – R305.00
Nex Bac Carpet Tile Size – 50cm x 50cm tiles – R485.00
BELGOTEX | CARPET & CARPETS TILES | Versatile, rugged and reliable
Use Classification: Heavy Commercial (EN 1307)
Construction: Structured Needlepunch
Recycled Content: Face Fibre - Blend of Stainp roof Miracle Fibre & Stainproof
Miracle Fibre Eco (Certain Colours)
Fibre Type: Stainproof Miracle Fibre (Polypropylene)
Fibre Mass: (ISO 8543)
Total Thickness: ± 7mm on ResinBac |± 7.5mm on NexBac (ISO 8543)
Total Mass: ± 1317g/m2 on ResinBac* |± 3877g/m2 on NexBac* (ISO 8543)
Standard Size - Broadloom: 4.2m**
Fire Classification: 2 (SANS 10177-4) on ResinBac |3 (SANS 10177-4) on NexBac (EN 13501)(ISO 9239) (ASTM E 648-08)
Extended Specs:
Colour Fastness To: Light 7 (NF EN ISO 105-B02)
Water 4-5 (ISO 105-E01)
Rubbing (Dry) 4-5 (ISO 105-X12)
Rubbing (Wet) 4-5 (ISO 105-X12)
Electrostatic Propensity: (EN 14041) / (ISO 6356)
Sound Absorption: (EN ISO 354)
Sound Insulation: (EN ISO 10140)
Thermal Resistance: (ISO 8302)
VOC Tested: (ASTM D5116)
Castor Chair Suitability: (NF EN 985)
Staircase Suitability: (EN 1963)/ (NF EN ISO 12951)
Warranty: 10 year
Guarantee: 5 year
* Weighted average.
** Also available in 25x100cm planks, 100x100cm tile & Shapes (Chevron left & Chevron right/Hexagon/Right-angle
Triangle as per the diagram). Belgotex BERBER POINT 920 to be installed as follows 25x100cm = Herringbone,
100x100xm = Tessellated & Shapes = Belgotex fitting instructions. As these are custom offerings they are not standard,
minimum production quantities apply. Please contact your nearest Belgotex representative for more information on this.
Available from R265.00 per m2 Supply Only