Berberpoint 650 Plainbac Tiles

Belgotex presents Berber Point 650, a carpeting solution that beautifully blends versatility with cost-effectiveness, living up to Berber Point’s stellar reputation for durability and performance. The carpet is constructed with Belgotex’s Stainproof Miracle Fibre (Polypropylene), a technology that confers unmatched stain resistance and longevity.
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Berberpoint 650 Sheeting From R230/m2 supply only: Incl VAT
Berberpoint 650 Plainbac Tiles From R275/m2 supply only: Incl VAT
BELGOTEX | CARPETS TILES | Versatile, rugged and reliable
Structured Needlepunch for commercial use
Extended Specifications
Use Classification: (EN1307) Medium/General Commercial
Construction: Structured Needlepunch
Recycled Content: Face Fibre - Blend of Stainproof Miracle Fibre & Stainproof
Miracle Fibre Eco (Certain Colours)
Fibre Type: Stainproof Miracle Fibre (Polypropylene)
Fibre Mass: (ISO 8543)
Total Thickness: (ISO 8543) ± 6mm on ResinBac
Total Mass: (ISO 8543) ± 974g/m2 on ResinBac
Standard Size (Broadloom): 4.2m
Standard Size - Tile: 50x50cm***
Available from R230.00 per m2 Supply Only
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